Friday 11 December 2015


2015 is almost over, and what have I done since then? Well, not posted on this blog like I said I was gonna. Or TGOI.COM in fact. It seemed to be on the first anniversary of the site when I just gave up. Not sure why, maybe it was the lack of anyone else's motivation to help with it. Oh well.

So I've decided recently to start doing blog stuff again. Why? Well, I'm doing a university course that's all about writing, so I've really gotten back into writing. Best time to write is when I'm writing I suppose.

Fingers crossed I actually keep it up this time around. Maybe what I need is loads of new content. Yeah, that might work. Anyway, peace and love (no autographs.)


Thursday 14 May 2015

Third Time Lucky?

So for those of you who are aware of this blog (which isn't many as I don't really tell people about it), you may be aware that I have made a number of posts in the past. You may also notice that they have vanished. Some super aware people may know that this thing used to have a lot of stuff on it (that was really shit.) Well basically, for the third time, I'm starting this again.

At the start, this site was a dumb thing I set up in secondary school to make dumb posts about "random" stuff, because it was acceptable to be a meme obsessed twat in those days. It was called the MadDok87 Zone and had awful fonts and really clashing colours. It looked like something straight out of a 90's kid's fever dream, I kid you not.  After some divine intervention, I gave up, and the website sat dormant for many years (unfortunately, still with all it's posts and terrifying design for those who stumbled into it's murky waters to see.)

After a while, I wanted to set up a blog in which I recommended stuff. I didn't have a direction, but I wanted it to have structure. So as I was in a steam call with my friend Darren as I had the idea, I literally asked him that second if he wanted to do it with me. He agreed, and helped me solidify a formula. After much thought, I recommended blogger as a place to hold the site, as I had past (and imagine these quotations as enormous as your mind allows) "experience" with it. So we set up the site, which reminded me that I had a blog already.

After reading it and swiftly deleting all the posts, I changed the vomit-causing colour palette to black and white, because it always looks nice. I also renamed it to MadDok87 Personal (as that is the online name I use for basically everything.) I decided that would be a place I'd talk about stuff that wasn't worthy of the main site (which is what I'm probably going to do again.) I posted three things in the second run: a stupid short story I made as a joke, a depressing piece about my absolute fear of mortality, and some half-arsed attempt at starting a series, entitled "Mad Rant," which the first (and only) episode was about equality. Smells a bit edgy doesn't it?

So today, I have decided to once more delete the posts (well archive them in case I want to repost them for some ungodly reason), and start again. In the spirit of things, it has been rechristened "MadDoktor Personal" (which I might have another shot at renaming, but we'll see.) I might even redesign the whole look again for continuity's sake (I mean I do have a bit of a thing for the 80's at the moment...) What I'm going to use it for this time round, well, I'm not certain, I might just document my memories in here, I might talk about dumb things that annoy me, I might talk about my love of wrestling, the possibilities are limitless! I just hope I actually make frequent use of it this time around.

Got any suggestions for what I could do with this site? Let me know!